Please Welcome new, big update for Karma Theme, packed-up with niche functionalities and blocks, powered by Aheto plugin. and many many more features to be Great Again.Way more faster – with our new design system and a WordPress Caching plugin your website will be as fast as a rocket.Elementor – yes, we heard you and new Karma is super optimized for Elementor.Design System we create an unique design system that allow customers to change typography, colors, buttons and any elements and use them everywhere on any pages.Footer Editor and 10+ Ready Footers to use.Header Editor and 10+ Ready Headers to use.

150+ inner Pages as (About Us, Services, Contact Us, FAQ, Book a Time, Team etc.).In the past few years we worked super hard to launch a completely new Karma, based on latest WordPress trends and standards. I am super happy to announce a new version of Karma 6.0. Karma - Responsive Wordpress Theme Latest Version